Polish Chamber of Digital Broadcasting (Polska Izba Radiodyfuzji Cyfrowej, PIRC) is the successor of Association of Satellite Branch Companies, an organization founded in 2002. PIRC is an association of: manufacturers, retailers, satellite and terrestrial operators working in the field of digital audio and video broadcasting and wireless data transmission.

The statutory obligation of PIRC is to represent the main interests of our associated members in relation to the governmental and regulatory authorities, and to have an impact on the shaping of the economical and social policy by giving our opinion on statues as well as to create own proposals addressed to the making law bodies.

PIRC is involved in the technological progress of different digital platforms for the benefit of both business and customers. We are convinced that only the complementary development of all of them guaranties the success of digitalization in Poland and creating the information society. We are also very active on the field of terrestrial video broadcasting, especially in the presence of difficulties of DTT implementation in our country. Waiting for its time, digitalization of the audio broadcasting will also be in our limelight. PIRC is helping its members and other TV companies by organizing conferences, seminars, workshops, and by preparing opinions and assessments. We also offer possibility of a technical and economical consulting. The association is leaded by very experienced experts – the representatives of TV companies that are present in the polish marked for a long time.